Island Fever
Pre Production
Romance | Comedy
Directed by:
Written by:
John J. Koster
90+ minutes run time
Orig. Language:
Dominican Republic
Starring (confirmed):
ISLAND FEVER is a romantic comedy in which the daughter’s older fiancé falls for her divorced mother unleashing unusual dynamics & unexpected consequences. Mom tries to stop her daughter from marrying a man twice her age and ends up falling in love with her daughter’s fiancé.
Betsy, a beautiful young lady of 22 has just gotten engaged to Dan, an older, well established gentleman. Enthusiastically introducing him to her divorced parents she receives mixed reactions from her dysfunctional family.
Ex hippies, her father Zach lives on a tropical island, working as a windsurfing instructor Reacting to her mother, Liz’s disapproval of Dan’s age. Liz learns her daughter Betsy is engaged to a man twice her age.
Betsy heads to her father’s island at his request for a visit with him & his new wife Kendra.
After beautiful scenes of their windsurfing & surfing escapades, Betsy & Zach are in a serious horse-riding accident, landing laid up in the hospital with casts & bandages.
In the meantime, Dan wants to pursue the wedding arrangements as plans were made for a site visit to the island resort to finalize the details.
Everyone heads to the Island wedding, where Liz is determined to stop her daughter’s marriage. Bringing Betsy’s mother, Liz as a replacement on his tickets, they travel to the resort.
As things go, their visit turns hot with unexpected chemistry flaring. Everything goes awry when Liz and the fiancé Dan accidentally have sex. Only to realize their mistake upon departure.
Dan still wants to marry her daughter, Betsy.
Time passes, a montage of activities. Now Betsy’s father has to save the family he once left or lose his daughter Betsy again.
Finally, the wedding event with friends & family gathering at the Altar, Betsy slaps Dan & exits haughtily back down the aisle with the bridesmaids in tow having discovered her fiancé’s infidelity with her mother!
Reconciliation with her mother leads to Liz confessing her love for Dan & explaining he was everything she wanted in a mate. Betsy understanding and no longer convinced he was for her, encourages her mother to “go for it.”
Lo & Behold, Dan has left by water taxi!
A windsurfing chase ensues until the taxi & Dan are overtaken. Liz becomes sick, vomiting and another hospital scene. This time it’s the discovery of a pregnancy which soon turns into a birth scene where the entire dysfunctional family rallies around a new baby.
Ending in the happy marriage of Liz & Dan. This romantic comedy takes Island life to the edge of insanity and only as a family will they survive.