Pre Production
Horror | Thriller
Directed by:
Robert Sigl
Written by:
Robert Sigl
90+ minutes run time
Orig. Language:
Starring (confirmed):
A religious thriller blending the terrors of The Passion Of The Christ and The Wicker Man, culminating in a shocking and unsettling twist.
A young American tourist and his fiancée spend the Easter holidays in a foreign ski resort and fall into the hands of fanatical, deranged villagers who have very special ideas about “celebrating” Good Friday.
Ever since he was a child our male protagonist Jamie (now in his early thirties) has been haunted by a recurring nightmare: Jesus steps down from the cross and tries to come after him. And always before his bloody hands can grab him Jamie wakes up. In his dreams he also experiences his father as a spitting image of God from one of Michelangelo’s paintings. Jamie has been traumatized ever since his father tried to kill him in order to “save him from an even greater suffering.”
Obviously his father was a victim of religious delusions. Or wasn’t he?
Now Jamie’s father is dead, he has killed himself. When Jamie learns about his father’s death he is far away from home, on ski vacation with his pregnant fiancée Elena high up in the Cantabrian mountains. It is Maundy Thursday and late in the evening and they must catch the last train down the mountains. We embark with them on a harrowing journey through hell until we will ultimately learn the reason behind Jamie’s nightmares and fears. It will leave audiences shocked, stunned and speechless.
As we have assumed Jamie’s point of view from the very beginning and never leave this narrative perspective there is hardly a moment that gives us a chance to doubt his sanity. On the contrary: we quickly realize that we are not taking part in a surreal head trip but that Jamie’s terror is indeed grounded in a devastating reality. In an atmosphere of gloomy hotel corridors, a remote sinister convent almost “drowning” in a blizzard, a train populated with bizarre and dangerous characters and a village from numerous centuries ago we are on board of a hellish trip through religious fanatism, kidnapping, child murder and things even worse. Drenched in the gloomy colors of Masters like Rembrandt, Munch, Franz von Stuck and H.R.Giger we travel through a Chiaroscuro of the Uncanny to unravel a secret that will make our hair stand on end. In moments reminiscent of film classics like “The Wicker Man (1973 version)”, “The Passion of the Christ”, “The Devils”, “Rosemary’s Baby”,”The Exorcist” and the recent “Hereditary, “Golgatha” will make for a very singular and highly unique experience that pushes the envelope much further than anything those aforementioned milestones ever dared.