Age Of Blood
Pre Production
Medieval | Action | Fantasy
Directed by:
David Creed
Written by:
David Creed
90+ minutes run time
Orig. Language:
UK, Austria
Starring (confirmed):
John Wick meets Game of Thrones
A former Knight and ‘Black Lion’ Paladin of the Kings feared ‘Order of the High Guard’ is forced out of retirement after his sister and her husband are brutually murdered for their land by the sadistic High Sheriff Edward Carrington and his men.
Former high-ranking Knight and member of the Kings elite Paladin ‘Order of the High Guard’ , otherwise known as the Black Lions, or the Black Death, Cassian Shaw, has retired and is helping his sister Meredith and her husband John tend to their small farm on the outskirts of the Parish of Ravenston.
While Cassian is at the local village fetching supplies, viscious Sergeant-at-arms Bill Capstone and his men arrive at the farm demanding that Meredith hand over the deeds of their land by order of the High Sheriff Edward Carrington.
After being overpowered by Capstone and his men, Cassian, Meredith and John are thrown into the burning barn and left for dead. After being pulled from the remains of the fire by family friend Beatrice, to find Meredith and John murdered, Cassian vows revenge and dons the feared black and red Paladin tunic of the Order of the High Guard one last time as he sets out to kill Carrington and his men.