4th And Goal
Pre Production
Sports | Drama
Directed by:
Ron Shelton
Written by:
Randy Roberts (Story), Davy Roberts, Tony Roberts
90+ minutes run time
Orig. Language:
Starring (confirmed):
A positive action drama that possesses powerful family and community values that will reach into the heart of the audience and allow them to experience the challenges and set backs that befall a promising young athlete in the prime of his life. A tragic turn of events threatens to remove all hope for a promising career playing the game he loves . . . FOOTBALL
The most important question asked of our protagonist “Lenni Prince” by his unlikely mentor, Max Vaughn. We also asked it of the audiences to whom we have pitched “4th and Goal”, a story inspired by true events, developed into a screenplay about a confident first string college quarterback who turns down a shot at the NFL draft to stay his senior year to help his team clinch a championship title. A life changing event transpires that will seemingly dash Lenni’s dream of becoming a NFL football player when he suffers a freak occurence that causes him to lose his eyesight. Lenni’s future is completely dark, literally and figuratively, as he lies in a hospital bed angry and bitter.. rejecting friends, family, and teammates who try so hard to give him love, support and encouragement. Despite Lenni’s bitterness, he is befriended by Max Vaughn, a fellow patient, who becomes a true companion who will not sit idly by and allow Lenni to be defeated by his own pity. Lenni is challenged by Max to accept a past he cannot change, but to look beyond himself to find the ability to conquer his future and attain his dreams but . . .